Laser Treatments

Treat uneven skin tone and texture with a series laser treatments


Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the top five most popular cosmetic treatments in the country. Thousands of men and women choose this long-lasting hair removal method every year to get rid of unwanted facial, chest, arm, or leg hair. Excessive hair growth can be caused by hormonal shifts such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, but hair growth patterns can also change due to medications, hormone replacement therapy, health conditions, and genetics. No matter the cause of your excessive hair, laser treatments are a great way to stop hair from growing in unwanted places.

Photofacial (IPL)

Intense Pulsed Light treatment (IPL), rejuvenates the skin by clearing brown & red spots, broken capillaries, pigmented lesions, helping to even out skin tone and texture. The convenient revolutionary approach to healthy-looking skin with minimal down time after treatment

ResurFX Laser

The ResurFX is the latest in non-ablative, fractional laser technology to improve skin discoloration, stretch marks, acne scars, wrinkles, and more.  Non-ablative means it does not destroy or ablate the skin cells, while fractional means it is only affecting a fraction or percentage of the skin.


PicoSure® is a cutting-edge new treatment option available for patients who wish to revitalize their skin and diminish the appearance of age spots, sun spots, acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles.


PicoSure Tattoo Removal

PicoSure is the world’s first picosecond laser and the only advanced tattoo removal laser with PressureWave technology, which works with your body to remove unwanted ink. PicoSure delivers laser energy that specifically targets tattoo ink, resulting in the successful shattering of just the ink particles without harming the surrounding tissue.

PicoSure works effectively on:

  • Multicolored tattoos, including blues and greens

  • Hard-to-remove black ink

  • Stubborn, previously treated tattoos